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VACI2019: Thank You For Being Part Of Our Best VACI To Date!
Written by Administrator    Friday, 31 October 2014 09:39    PDF Print E-mail


VACI2019 - Thank You For Being Part of Our Best VACI To Date!

The Vietnam International Water Week-VACI2019, held on 22-25 March 2019, bringing series of some 100 exciting sessions/activities including hot issues workshops, panel discussions, forum, exhibitions, business meetings, training courses, field trips with the central theme “Water Smarter: Leaving No one behind”. It saw US$ 300 million in total value for the announcements on planned water projects, tenders, investment and MOUs. The week attracted nearly a thousand of leaders, keynote speakers, participants and visitors from 30 countries spanning the government, development organizations, academics, companies, and media for discussion, exchange and networking. This provided an opportunity for decision makers, donors, engineers, scientists, practitioner, educators, students, and other interested individuals to meet, exchange ideas, and co-creare Smarter Water Solutions for the goal No. 6- water for all of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

Here's a glimpse into the happenings over the span of VACI2019: 

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VACI2019 starting with a special Vietnam traditional music show - Exploring local culture and people.


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Minister of MONRE Tran Hong Ha, Miss Vietnam Dang Thi Ngoc Han, United Nations Resident Coordinator Kamal Malhotra made the opening ceremony of the Vietnam International Water Week VACI2019 Ms Madhu Raghunath, Program Leader for Sustainable Development, World Bank Vietnam, gave opening remark for VACI2019 on 22 March
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To set the frame, a high-level plenary session themed “Water Smarter: Leaving No one behind” was discussed by thought leader panelists such as H.E. Tran Hong Ha -  Minister of MONRE of Vietnam/; H.E Michael Croft, UNESCO Vietnam Representatve; Dr. Fany Wedahuditama, Chairman of Global Water Partnership in Southeast Asia-GWP-SEA; Mr. Hoang Van Bay, DG of Water Res. Management Department at Ministry of MONRE; Vice DG of Water Res Directorate at Ministry of MARD; Ms Elsbeth Akkerman, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Vietnam, Dr. Ali Saleh, Founder and Chair of 21st Century Watershed Technology, USA; Dr. Nidal Salim, Citizen Process Representative, the 9th World Water Forum WWF2021 Senegal; Mr. Károly Kovács, President Hungarian Water Cluster & European Water Association – EWA.
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Experts throughout the world gathering to share their innovative solutions through a series of some 30 hot issues workshops (HIWs)
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Latest water technologies and services were also presented through hundreds of poster and booth exhibitions
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Youth Forum and Int. trainings for young water professionals in Vietnam and the region.
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Various exciting side-events (i.e. photo exhibition, water book showcase, culture tours, etc.) to explore culture, engage public, raise awareness, and empower woman
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The media coverage on current water issues has played a very important role in delivering and gaining public attention and support for addressing water challenges The VACI 2019 has attracted hundred of mass media agencies’ attention in Vietnam and all over the world. Its program was also broadcasted on a number of the leading television broadcasters of Vietnam such as VTV1, VTV2, VTV3, VTV4, TTXVN, VTC14, QPVN, HanoiTV among others
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For foster information sharing in more environmental-friendly means, the soft version of VACI2019's Proceedings, publications and presentations now are ready for downloading at "Downloads" of the event homepage.


Thank you for your great contribution to the success of VACI2019 and we look forward to seeing you again at the next show of VACI on March 2020!

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